Personally I hate doing any kind of serious work within a web form, the as good as Wordpress's WYSIWYG editor is, I find the user experience within a web form irritating.
So to try and get around this possibly illogical attitude, I'm giving the new mozilla 'browser' a go, which is called Flock. So far it's relatively interesting and seems to be firefox with some extravagent plugins to interface which a bunch of popular web services.
The current one of interest to me is the ability to use flocks own editor to publish directly to a multitude of blogging engines (even user hosted ones) which I do like the idea of.
Edit - Unfortunately, whilst Flock is able to upload pictures automatically to Flickr, it cannot upload to wordpress's media library, nor allow you to specify a custom ftp server for your blogs images - Nevermind :-(
Maybe when the product matures and such functionality is available it will be a more powerful platform for blogging, what I say so far was quite nice:
The configuration is painless as you only need t specify your blogs URL, username and password, and your good to go.
Givens Flocks a mozilla product, it might be worth attempting a plugin at some point to add custom uploading support. If you use Flickr, Facebook or some of the other gallery platforms Flock may well be for you!
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